Chantelle (Feat Ms Bound) in: The Evil Ms Priestly Goes it Freestyle & Captures a Gorgeous Young Land Surveyor – All Sock-Stuffed Up in Time for High Tea! (HD) – Borderland Bound tape bondage spanking

Chantelle (Feat Ms Bound) in: The Evil Ms Priestly Goes it Freestyle & Captures a Gorgeous Young Land Surveyor - All Sock-Stuffed Up in Time for High Tea! (HD) - Borderland Bound tape bondage spankingTo find more videos from
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Studio:Borderland Bound
Length:23 min
takes to be quite the bad babe. Now…. What kind of a setup is this…? We join the ravishing Chantelle in her tight blue jeans and slinky black vest top as she enters a strange property, she has hitherto not heard of but the assignment from Head Office has come in – she is to get out there to no. 35 Vignette Street and price up a house said to be unoccupied prior to sale… …Of course, it IS occupied as the well-dressed Ms Bound, playing Ms Priestley here, would attest, and does so, with relish, by roughly handgagging and subduing the bewildered cutie in a chair. It’s one protracted tape trussing and gagging hotness session as the deranged occupant overcomes the mmmmmpppphhhhing hostage, even returning to truss her wiggly bare, sock-stripped feet back under her chair, for added humiliation. The beautiful chartered surveyor gag mumbles and chair bounces as she fiercely attempts...