MASSIVE 4 Goddess of DEEsaster CL – Media Impact Customs sizefetish giantess

MASSIVE 4 Goddess of DEEsaster CL - Media Impact Customs sizefetish giantessTo find more videos from
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Studio:Media Impact Customs
Length:33 min
Why? Because the girl is usually so BIG so MASSIVE that it would be almost impossible to show exactly what that massive body of hers is doing to the city! But hey now, the G man and his crew have come up with huge leaps in MEGA GTS video taping, editing, FX and all that good stuff, and over the years they keep on impressing us with change after change and step after step and in this video they are going to show it all off! For starters we got FX Vehicles in this video with a total FX terrain! That's right, no more imagining what it's like to see the tiny cars driving around the roads and no longer wondering what those massive feet are doing to them! In this video we get to see first hand the MEGA GTS'S destruction on the ground with stepped on cars and tanks that get totally engulfed by her feet. To top that off this video also displays an entirely. She plays as an unknown girl who has suddenly grown really, really, REALLY fricken big, big enough that buildings don't even reach past her shines! The reason to her growth is unknown, however the intentions that she has as to what to do with her growth, now that's a totally different story! For one, this new MEGA GIANTESS is totally loving her new size, in fact her new size has made her big enough and confident enough to call herself a. She makes this clear when she wonders upon our oh. However, the city people are just a bit too scared to love and worship such a big girl and instead of giving her her wanted love and admiration they instead run,...