Josie Jo, Red Duchess, & Summer Marshmallow: Bullied By BBWs – MP4 4k – HFG Multimedia w gaining

Josie Jo, Red Duchess, & Summer Marshmallow: Bullied By BBWs - MP4 4k - HFG Multimedia w gainingTo find more videos from
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Studio:SSBBW Ivy and Friends
Length:10 min
food for lunch. I guess that is why shes so thin and scrawny. When Summer asks her if she did her homework last night, Josie says she did, and Summer demands her hand it over. Summer threatens Josie, so she pulls out her belly. As the most popular girls and the biggest bullies in the school walk into the classroom, class nerd Josie Jo sits by herself eating lunch. Josies rabbit food lunch is noticed by Summer Marshmallow and Red Duchess. They laugh at her. No wonder shes so short and scrawny. Summer asks Josie if she did her homework last night and Summer immediately demands she give it to Summer. When Summer refuses, she pulls out her belly and places it on the desk in front of her. Several of the most popular girls and bullies in the school walk into Josie Jos classroom when she is eating lunch alone. Josies rabbit food lunch catches the attention of Summer Marshmallow and Red Duchess, so no wonder she is so short and scrawny. Summer asks Josie if she finished her homework last night. Summer instantly demands that she turn it in, so Summer threateningly pulls out her belly and places it on the desk.

Class nerd Josie...