Yoga Trance – Kami 4K – GG Fetish Media i e

Yoga Trance - Kami 4K - GG Fetish Media i eTo find more videos from
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Studio:GG Fetish Media
approached by her boyfriend, who says he can relax her and help her meditate. She is skeptical, but decides to give it a try. Kami closes her eyes and concentrates on the mantras that her boyfriend gives her. Without her knowledge, Kami is being hidden under his control. Kamis mantras shift to one of obedience, and seeing her boyfriend as her master. Now, even when Kami has her eyes open, she still remains controlled by her boyfriend. She accepts everything he does. Her boyfriend approaches Kami while she is practicing yoga in her living room and tells her he can help her relax and meditate. While skeptical, she decides to try it. She closes her eyes and concentrates on the mantras he gives her. Kami is being under his control covertly, a process Kami is unaware of. Her mantras begin to change to ones of obedience, and she sees her...