Jazmin and Penelope – Stroke and Stretch – Brat Princess 2 foot slave

Jazmin and Penelope - Stroke and Stretch - Brat Princess 2 foot slaveTo find more videos from
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Studio:Brat Princess 2
So humiliating. Dumb betas do whatever we tell them to do. A game with the funnest device we love! Putting him through a brutal joi game with our cool device on him. Making him jerk off while stretching his balls. His stupid sad wimpers are so pathetic. It makes him feel so lucky hes out of chastity and gets to stroke. They stretch his balls so well. Its so humiliating. Dummy beta will do whatever we tell him to do. In our funniest game, Jazmin and Penelope make him jerk off with our cool device on him. Red light, green light all the while stretching his balls! It is so pathetic how sad he is. Its like he is so lucky that he gets to be stroked now that he is out of chastity. He gets stretched out real bad! Dumb betas will do anything we tell them. A brutal joi game with the device we love! Jazmin and Penelope put him through it. We made...