Pathetic pup begs his Amazonian Handler for a treat – Mistress Damazonia m cei

Pathetic pup begs his Amazonian Handler for a treat - Mistress Damazonia m ceiTo find more videos from
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Studio:Mistress Damazonia
following her orders for the first time, she gives him a reward, which is to let him sniff her ass and cum, but only if he cleans it up afterwards. The pathetic slave should be a human dog instead of a man, according to Amazonia, because hes too small to be a man. She trains him to sit pretty, beg appropriately, worship her superiority, and dry-hum her leg in the same way that losers do. He is following her orders pretty well for once, so she rewards him by letting him smell her ass and cum in his doggy bowl, but only after licking it clean. The pathetic slave should be a humandog rather than a man according to Amazonia, who believes he is way too small to be a man next to her. She train him to sit pretty, beg appropriately, worship her superiority and dry-hum her leg like a loser to entertain her. Apparently, he follows...