Amber and Benny – Best Friend Used as Bathroom Cleaner – Brat Princess 2 rough cbt spitting

Amber and Benny - Best Friend Used as Bathroom Cleaner - Brat Princess 2 rough cbt spittingTo find more videos from
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Studio:Brat Princess 2
and knees. Its disgusting, but someone has to do it. A best friend of Bennys, Amber, is a man who is obsessed with her! Especially since he is locked in chastity with her and lives with her, cleaning the bathroom is one of his jobs. He cleans it on his hands and knees with his tongue. Thats really gross. Someone has to do it. He is enamored with Amber. He will do anything for her! Especially now that he lives with her and is confined to chastity for her. Cleaning the bathroom is a part of his responsibilities. He cleans on his hands and knees with his tongue. Hes disgusting. Someones going to have to do it, however. Amber is Bennys best friend. He is obsessed with her! He will do anything for her. Especially now that he lives with her and is locked in chastity...