Hazing Ugly Betty – AMERICAN MEAN GIRLS blindfold body

Hazing Ugly Betty - AMERICAN MEAN GIRLS blindfold bodyTo find more videos from
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wanted to join and be part of our gang. It is very important to know that we are very selective in who we admit; not just any Betty is permitted to join and live in the Manor. I had discussed it with the girls before letting this girl come and try out lol. She didnt realize that there were others in the house. It is a status symbol for girls to live at the Mean Girl Manor. As a Mean Girl, you KNOW youre hot and popular. Recently, we got a letter from an applicant seeking membership and to become one of us. You need to know that we are extremely selective in who we accept; not just any Betty can become a Mean Girl at the Manor. Before letting this girl show up and tryout, we had discussed it with the girls, lol. Little did she know we had others. There is a status symbol associated with the Mean Girl Manor. If you are regarded as A Mean Girl, you know you are hot and popular. Recently, we had received an application from this new girl who wanted to become a Mean Girl and join the Manor. We are very selective about who we allow in our Manor; not just any Betty can become a Mean Girl, which is why we talked about it before she showed up and tryed out. She never realized there were...